Thursday, March 15, 2012

With the End In Mind

Last week was the end of 3rd quarter. How do I feel.....sad...excited...tired. I'm sad because this, "once in a life time" thing is new for me. Think about it pretty much everything we have done in life would be easy to do again. Especially with me still being in school; every year I have school time then summer time things kind of repeat a lot. Unfortunately not this time. When I leave Pohnpei I'm not sure if I'll really ever come back. I'm not sure if I'll ever hear these students laugh again or see some of the friends I've made. ONCE IN A LIFE TIME.
Yet some how in the mist of this new realized sadness I am so excited to be home. Today I made a menu of all the things I want to eat when I get home. I know that sounds bad but man do I miss good food! Also I honestly believe that I can live my life with a new appreciation. It's something new I've been trying here :) I now realize how much of my life I took for granted. I'm so excited for the opportunity to do the right do it better.
With all these emotions I'm sure you can see why I also feel tired lol. Honestly, I'm tired from hard work and that's the best reason for being tired. Thankfully we are going camping this weekend! I can't wait!

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