Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Funny Story

Here is a short story for you to laugh atJ
I always put my keys in the drawer of my desk. On Wednesdays I tutor one of my students named Vince ( sweet kid who suffers because of a messed up school system).  That day Vince and I spent an hour in the library looking for a book he could read for his book report. When our session was over I ran back to my classroom to lock up and go home. I was really excited to be done for the day  and realized half a second too late that I had just locked my keys in my classroom! I wasn’t to freaked out because I had done this once before and there was a spare key in the office.  I asked the main office worker if I could have key, she handed me a huge wad of keys and told me good luck finding it. Finally I found what was supposed to be the key to my class but….it didn’t work.  I went back to the office to look in the “secrete” stash of keys in the closet. I was really happy cause I found another key to my room. Unfortunately that one didn’t work either. Well, here on Pohnpei  when you have tried everything you know there is only one more thing to do….call Noli. Noli is the head maintenance man here at the school, but I like to call him “Noli  the Marvelous Fix It Man”. So I tramped over to his house only to find that it was date night for him and his wife, so he couldn’t come help me but as he got into his car he told me to try the key again and to giggle the knob a little. I went back to now the dark high school once again. Before I even put the key in the lock I decided to pray over it. My prayer went a little like this, “ God, you parted the Red Sea, and turned water into wine. Lord, You know how much I need to get into this room so I can be fully prepared for tomorrow; so Lord, I’m trusting You to open the door for me.” After my Amen I put the key in the knob…gave it a giggle…turned the key…and nothing happened. My faith was not that easily broken so I kept trying then I thought, “Maybe I should sing to the door. That might help!” So I started singing  “I need  You, Jesus, to come to my rescue. Where else should I go? There’s no other name by which I am saved! Capture me with grace I will follow You!” over and over I sang this song and still nothing happened. Once I realized I was yelling my song instead of singing it, I let that idea go and moved on to my next great idea: Knocking the door open like the cops do on Law and Order. I backed up to the other side of the hall, closed my eyes, and ran full speed at my door. THAT WAS THE DUMBEST IDEA!  It hurt so bad and the door didn’t budge a bit! Hahaha. After I took a couple minutes to get over the pain a prayed again. “Ok God, for some reason You don’t want me to get into my classroom tonight. I have done all I can; so I’m going to go back to my house and just relax. Tomorrows classes are up to You.”  That’s exactly what I did.  The next day all my classes went well and I had a funny story to tell my kids for worship. I don’t know for sure why God didn’t just open my door, but I like to think it was because He was trying to tell me that I need to relax sometime and let Him be God. That I don’t need to know every detail of my life, and not know these details won’t kill me.

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