Thursday, November 24, 2011

Hi I'm still alive

I know I haven’t written in so long( my mom won’t let me forget) love you mama lol. So I will give a brief catch up. I have met the prince of Pohnpei…then he got arrested for trying to cheat us out of our money and disturbing the peace. I must say it was very entertaining. I have seen the famous Nan Mandol. Nan Mandol is the ancient royal city and burial grounds. It was pretty cool. I climbed the ruins and could see so far. It was really beautiful. Speaking of beautiful I also got to hike sokehs ridge. While up there I could see all the different areas of the island and some surrounding reefs. The hike up was so hard because the altitude changed( I think) and it was straight uphill the whole time. A couple weekends ago we went to an exclusive undeveloped outer island called Ant. There were no toilets or  huts or anything to be honest. It was just us, the jungle, and a beautiful ocean. I spent Sabbath on a floaty  being drifted along the shore. It gave me some time to rest and reconnect with God. I’m not going to lie, lately I have needed to be reminded why I’m here. I don’t regret coming at all; I just don’t see any rewards for my work. Like I came here to share God’s love and let people know that He’s the most important. I don’t feel like I have done that. Praise the Lord my time here isn’t over, but at the same time I pray God will help me make it through.
                A couple weeks ago All the Islands were having an evangelist series. There were meetings being held all over Pohnpei. I got to go to a couple of different sites. It was really cool to see the hungry souls and pray for them. One meeting I went to was pretty far into the middle of Pohnpei. The meeting was being held at a family meeting house. When we pulled into the driveway  it seemed a little poor but not too much different than other places. When I walked inside I was shocked. It was a one room, open window, dirt floor, completely concrete building. I felt like I was in a hole in the wall. As the room began to fill I recognized a lot of the faces. The slide show was being projected on a white sheet on the back wall. Then I realized that behind that sheet was a very small room where someone was living. A hole inside the hole. The floor was moist because the house was so close to the water and the tide had flooded it. As I sat there feeling strangely overwhelmed by my surroundings, Mrs. Kathy walked in like an angle of light. Mrs. Kathy is an older lady in the church. She is a widow of an American who came in the 60’s to build the main road. She doesn’t stand out in anyway ,except for the fact that she is already planted in my heart. She is one of the dearest friends I have here. Kathy showed me that this meeting room wasn’t a poor man’s home it was a place rooted  in and by family. It was ,in its own way, a sanctuary.  

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