Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tuesday 8/16/11 = MY FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL!

It is 1 30 in the morning for me and I just finished lesson planning. O my goodness that is a lot of work! I want to be and should be in bed but I know my mom will be looking for this post lol.  TODAY WAS MY FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!  It was so exciting and crazy. I couldn’t sleep last night because I kept waiting for my alarm to go off lol. When It finally did I was hit with a truck load of emotions. I felt so honored to be able to teach these students and at the same time I was scared to death. I decided to have my morning devotions a little different ( to help calm my nerves). I read all the promises I could think of that talked about God walking with us and giving us strength and peace. I worked pretty well cause I walked out of my apartment only half crazy lol. I met all my student for the first class at the door. I showed them their assigned seats( I  know Assigned seating how lame lol) and I started class with a prayer. I’m pretty sure it was the only time in my life that I prayed to prayers at the same time. Out loud to the students I was thanking God of the day and that they all made it to class and other teacher stuff, but in my heart I was praying, “GOD HELP ME!”. We didn’t do too much in class today because it was a half day; so I just went over my syllabus. Time flew by and before I knew it I was dismissing them.( exhale) That was it, I DID IT! I made it through my first class.
                I guess no matter how old you get the first day at a new school is always scary =). Its so weird being on the other side; to have all those wondering eyes looking at you and wondering if they are taking in anything you are saying. At the end of it all I actually felt sad that the day was over. Once I realized I wouldn’t die, I actually liked teaching.
I want to say thank you to all of my teachers who put so much time into making lesson plans, making class interesting, giving me grace when I didn’t deserve it, grading, and loving me. I never realized how much you guys really did care. Thank you for being great examples.
Alright that’s all for now I need sleep so I can do it all again tomorrow =)
Ps. 139:10 Even there Your hand will guide me, your strength will support me.
Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed. I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with My victorious right hand.

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