Sunday, August 7, 2011

Covered with Love


They told us in all of our different orientation classes that their were a couple things that we could know would happen for sure. First you could garentee that you would get diarria. lol I know this is gross but it's so true almost everyone has gotten sick( except me). Second, it was a sure thing that we would get homesick. This one also has proven to be true. I didn't think it would happen so quickly. I think it was because once we got to the island most communication was stopped. Mom, I even missed you calling or texting me everyday. =)  I suppose the old saying it right, " Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
    Thankfully it only lasted for a couple days =). I know for sure that the main thing that has helped me is the love of the local people. Every time I'm around them I'm covered in love and in return it's so easy to love them back. On Sabbath night all the SM's had to tell their story of how we ended up in Pohnpei. The fast version of mine is, one day God placed a great desire in my heart to love people and to encourage them to want salvation. Then He gave me an outlet for that desire =). I'm overwhelmed by it all!
  A way the community loves and supports us is by adopting a sm into their family. Last night I was adopted. I know have a Pohnpei mother,Older brother, two sisters, two nieces, and a nephew. O my goodness, I love them already! 
    I know that my new family wont replace my family, but it is so nice to have them. If there is one thing that I have learned already on this journey, it is that God is so faithful in everything. 

Love You All!

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